Robert Hirsch

You can read my "formal" BIO below, but first I wanted to thank you for coming to this website and write you a personal note.
You see, if you are a fellow Entrepreneur, then I believe we are kindred spirits, and I am glad our paths have crossed today, because my goal is to help you GROW and SCALE a more profitable business, so it can give you the financial rewards and freedom you deserve, to create an amazing life that you love.
If you are willing, I can lead you ” down the rabbit hole ” to a place where heart and head align to produce uncommon clarity, focus, and large-scale growth.
You see, GROWING and SCALING businesses is truly my specialty. I have been involved with over 70 businesses in my lifetime, so I have a significant body of experience to pull from, and after many hard won lessons learned, and careful observation, I KNOW WHAT IT TAKES TO DESIGN A BUSINESS THAT SERVES YOUR LIFE. (As opposed to designing a life that serves your business.) And this is what will give you the FREEDOM you are truly looking for.
Building a business is a PROCESS.
And what I am about to share with you can be applied to ANY business, ANYWHERE in the world.
And during our time together, I would like to share with you the proven, proprietary frameworks, business models and tools I’ve perfected that will help you GROW and SCALE your business.
So Let’s dive in, shall we?
But First, A Few Important Questions ...
Have you ever gotten to a point in your business where you hit a “plateau”?
Or have you ever felt burned out, stagnant, or even ended up
hating the business you used to love?
Of course you have.
Because GROWTH is like a staircase.
Growth is a series of plateaus.
I Help You Break
Through Those Plateaus Faster.
By opening your eyes to the proprietary frameworks and business models I’ve developed over the last 25 years.
You see, these tools and processes produce simple but profound shifts in the way you think about your business. It allows the entrepreneur’s heart, head and soul to align. And once that happens, large-scale growth happens almost automatically.
Some of my friends sometimes joke that it’s as if I’ve lived the equivalent of FIVE LIVES when it comes to my experience in business.

You know,
Malcolm Gladwell
popularized the idea of spending 10,000 hours on your craft to become excellent and to become a master. An expert.
Well, I have WAY MORE than 10,000 hours worth of hard won business experience under my belt, and my favorite thing to do is share those lessons, wisdom, and insights with you.
With that said, here’s brief overview of my story …

My Story
My story as an entrepreneur begins when I was just a 16 year old boy, on June 9th, 1990
A Saturday – while walking through the Portland Saturday Market (an outdoor festival in Portland Oregon) – I was watching everyday, normal people generate CASH-FLOW by selling handcrafts. It was exciting!
And I can remember the moment it happened for me like it was yesterday…
It was when I saw a vendor sell $150 worth of jewelry to a single customer, and a light-bulb suddenly went off in my head … and I decided to jump into the game and start my own business.
I was between my sophomore and junior year in high school and I partnered up with a friend and opened up my first little bead shop. Sure enough, two years later, by the time we graduated high school, and after many hard-won business lessons, we had 3 locations and 6 successful weekend bead shops.

And you could say that experience was really the INFLECTION POINT in a young man’s life … when I went from THINKING to KNOWING I could be successful in business.
And as you might guess, I was ruined for a “straight job” forever from that point on..
I studied Entrepreneurship in college, but frankly what I learned from the experiences of running my bead shops those two years, (and from the businesses I started in college) were FAR more valuable to me in terms of the actual “real world” practice of running a company.
I then went on to spend the next 14 years, GROWING and SCALING businesses in software, health, private equity and consulting. And it was a very successful time, and I even was involved in an IPO and several acquisitions.
So in 2007 I started my own private equity fund, South Fork Ventures, and we would buy businesses … grow them, make them more profitable, and then sell them.
During that time I also started to do high level consulting – showing business owners how to use simple business models to dramatically grow and SCALE their businesses, and help them get maximum value for their business if they decided to SELL it. (My “sweet spot” was helping companies go from about $5 million in sales to $50 million in sales.)

The skills to that get you from $0 dollars to $5 million are very different from the skills that will get you from $5 million to $50 million.
And then in 2011, I moved from the Board of Directors, to the CEO role with the Elevation Group with my great friend and business partner, Mike Dillard.
Over the course of my career – and the 70 companies I’ve been involved with – I’ve learned that the same principles used to run a successful bead shop, are also the same principles to run a successful software company… or to run a successful service company…
And I have distilled these success principles into the FUNDAMENTAL business lessons and frameworks that anyone can use, regardless of your industry, product or service.
By investing in myself and growing my businesses I’ve been able to create FREEDOM.

5 levels of Freedom in fact...
of money...
of time...
of place...
of relationship...
of purpose...
of money...
of time...
of place...
of relationship...
of purpose...
And that's what brings me to YOU today.
You see, I truly believe that Entrepreneurs are the true “Values creators” of the world. The problem solvers. The PRODUCERS.
Entrepreneurs Are
I have been blessed to be in a very UNIQUE SITUATION to be involved with the buying and selling of so many different, yet profitable businesses, in so many different industries.
It has given me a unique view into what it takes to make a business successful.
And now it’s MY mission in life, to create positive change in the world by “helping the helpers.” Helping entrepreneurs like YOU grow, scale and succeed in your business and achieve even more freedom in your life.
“If business is done the right way, the amount of money you can make is directly proportional to the amount of people that you help” So if you need to grow your business, focus on helping more people.
I live by the credo above, and that’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the most effecient market place for buying and selling small to mid-sized companies.
Here's how it works... __________________________
Here's how it works...
On the SELLERS side, we use my years of experience (and proprietary business frameworks) to guide and help Entrepreneurs who are looking to SELL their businesses: a) determine what their business is currently worth on the market, and b) more importantly, guide them on POSITIONING their business properly to maximize the value, and for an immediate sale.

On the BUYERS side, we help Entrepreneurs looking to BUY cash-flow businesses make smarter decisions, and find the business that is the “right fit” for them.
You see, a big mistake that is commonly made is that when looking to purchase a business, many entrepreneurs only look at “cash flow” , as opposed to finding the RIGHT FIT for the business owner. And we believe (and it has been our experience) that finding the RIGHT entrepreneur AND the RIGHT company, produces much more dramatic results than simply making a buying decision based on earnings alone.